Ibero-American Network of Science and Faith
The Ibero-American Network of Science and Faith has partnered with several institutions around the world. Opportunities for collaboration are diverse and depend on the particular concerns of each partner. If you are a representative of a religious, educational, professional, or social institution concerned about science and faith issues in Ibero-America, we look forward to discussing strategies that will advance this critical dialogue.

Razón y Pensamiento Cristiano is an online journal focused on the relation between theology, science, and the humanities. It has a Protestant perspective, open to ecumenical understanding and diverse ideas.

The Centro de Ciencia y Fe, at the Facultad de Teología SEUT, belongs to the Federico Fliedner Foundation, Spain. It was established in 1996 for the study of science and faith interactions within the Spanish-speaking world.

The Templeton World Charity Foundation supports discoveries relating to the big questions and fosters rigorous scholarship and broad communications in different topics, including the dialogue between science and religion.

BioLogos is an American Foundation that presents an evolutionary understanding of God's creation, inviting the Church and the world to see the harmony between science and biblical faith. Its emphasis is in the creation–evolution controversy.

The Comunidad Teológica de México is a consortium of several theological seminaries in Mexico. Its goal is to provide theological education from a distinctively Christian, Ecumenical, and Latin American point of view.

The Sociedad Educativa Latinoamericana para Fe y Ciencia is an initiative that promotes science education from an Evangelical worldview. It borned in Guatemala City among students of the Seminario Teológico Centroamericano.