Ibero-American Network of Science and Faith

About us
The Ibero-American Network of Science and Faith was established in Mexico City in 2015, during an unprecedented meeting organized by several Evangelical institutions.
In Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula (Ibero-America), the dialogue between science and faith remains largely unrecognized in both academic and public spheres. Several initiatives are being developed in Catholic institutions, but, in general, the Protestant world has not embraced this critical dialogue. The Ibero-American Network of Science and Faith takes on the challenge of remedying this situation.
Our goal is twofold: coordinating isolated efforts that are being developed by Evangelicals in Ibero-America, and promoting science and faith issues among institutions belonging to this Christian tradition. We want to contribute to the professionalization of this field, moving this dialogue beyond rudimentary explorations often undertaken without expert guidance.
The Ibero-American Network of Science and Faith incorporates a diverse array of academics and advanced students who are committed to exploring the relationship between science and faith. In this effort, interdisciplinary research is clearly necessary, and we emphasize the importance of understanding well-informed perspectives from different fields.
This Network is committed to a Christian perspective, within a framework both Protestant and Ecumenical. Our organization does not subscribe to any particular statement of faith other than the fundamental principles of Christianity, as testified in Scripture, recognizing Jesus Christ as revelation of the Father and redeemer of creation by action of the Holy Spirit. Accordingly, Network membership entails a sincere attachment to these principles.
We promote short-term academic activities linked to education and dissemination, and mid-to-long-term research and projects that address the current shortcomings of the science and faith dialogue within the Ibero-American Protestant context.
There are two essential pillars of our vision. Firstly, collaboration: this network was founded under a spirit of cooperation between a diverse group of scholars, all of which are united by a desire to serve Ibero-American Evangelicals with local science and faith initiatives. And secondly, renovation through development: we recognize the untapped potential of early career academics who are eager to explore issues related to science and faith, but who often lack support from their home institutions, and we will strive to foster and encourage these young scholars.
The mission of the Ibero-American Network of Science and Faith is to encourage cooperation between the academy, society, and Church, centered around the dialogue between science and Christianity, focusing on the needs of Christians in Ibero-America.
This mission implements four specific strategies:
Online platform. Members of the Network are from several different countries. This is an advantage in terms of diverse representation, but it also poses a challenge for connectivity. Thus, we offer an online forum through which all members can engage in formal discussions, rather than relying on relatively disorganized and informal social networks.
Promotion at institutions. Currently, most Ibero-American Protestant institutions of higher education do not include departments, academic positions, courses, or public activities focused on science and faith issues. The Network will endeavor to correct this situation, advocating for an academic climate that encourages a long-overdue and critically necessary contextualization of the Christian faith.
Support for local groups. The Network coordinates several experts in the science and faith dialogue, along with early career academics and students who wish to further explore and advance these topics. Members of the Network are available to local groups and institutions for talks, seminars/workshops, project advice, and other collaborations.
Academic meetings. These events offer speakers the opportunity to present research and receive feedback within an atmosphere of openness, communion, and egalitarian discussion. An essential requirement is that talks must be academically rigorous.
The Ibero-American Network of Science and Faith has a constructive and inclusive outlook, recognizing the secularization and religious pluralism of our Western societies. Hence, the science and faith dialogue is approached within a context of helping Christians better understand their faith while also making Christianity more intelligible to others.
Moreover, we believe that many intellectual pursuits related to "the big questions" can and should contribute to personal, social, and environmental well-being. As Christians, we’re committed to being mindful stewards of God's creation, encompassing all human beings and everything that surrounds us.
Finally, being fully aware that the interface between science and faith includes some controversial topics, we emphasize the importance of cultivating respect towards different positions, even in the context of criticism, and of searching for common ground. Respect does not imply renunciation of one’s own convictions, but it does require an agreement that all perspectives deserve to be discussed with open-minded civility. Our initiative avoids intolerance, dismissiveness, and personal attacks, recognizing that nobody owns a monopoly on our understanding of nature, God, and the Bible.