Ibero-American Meeting of Science and Faith
"New voices in the international academic discourse"
From September 30th to October 2nd, 2015 - Mexico City

Panoramic view of Mexico City
As an important effort to generate new connections between researchers and students interested in the relation between science and faith, we have an emergent opportunity in this meeting.
Ibero-America is a complicated socio-cultural context, in which research, education and dissemination about science and faith, in general is still not sufficiently recognized as a viable academic field, and even much less, considered as an important topic of discussion in our contemporary society. Very few organizations support these issues. Most of these ones are confessional Catholic, but initiatives of another Christian traditions, as Protestants and Evangelicals, are being developed.
Considering this context, and trying to establish a formal instance to researchers and students -who do not have adequate support from their own academic or ecclesiastical institutions-, this meeting is focused on generating new voices in the international academic discourse. Two of the main goals that we want are the following:
First, to create an instance in which academics can present their particular topics of research, and receive a relevant feedback to improve the quality of their researches. For this we have opened a call for abstracts, in which we encourage the participation of people from different fields: physics, biology, history, philosophy, theology, etc. Selected talks will be distributed in different plenary tracks in the mornings. We will not have parallel talks.
Second, to lay the groundwork for the formation of the first Ibero-American network for science and faith. So in addition to the plenary tracks, we will conduct intensive workshop sessions in the afternoons. For these sessions we invite not only academics, but also delegates from differents Christian organizations interested on extending these issues to the wide non-academic public. Here we are committed to develop outreach projects.
This meeting is organized by the Center for Science and Faith (Spain), the online journal Reason and Christian Thought, the Latin American Educational Society for Faith and Science (Guatemala); and it will take place at the Theological Community of Mexico, based in Mexico City, from September 30th to October 2nd, 2015.
Organizing committee
Pablo de Felipe, Centro de Ciencia y Fe – Fund. Federico Fliedner, Spain
Manuel David Morales, Instituto de Física y Matemáticas – UMSNH, Mexico
César Navarro, Seminario Teológico Centroamericano, Guatemala
Dan González Ortega, Comunidad Teológica de México, Mexico
Advisory committee
Pedro Zamora, Facultad de Teología SEUT, Spain
Antoine Bret, Universidad de Castilla–La Mancha, Spain
Fernando Caballero, Centro de Ciencia y Fe, Fund. Federico Fliedner, Spain
Francisco Astorga, Instituto de Física y Matemáticas UMSNH, Mexico
Hilary Marlow, Faraday Institute for Science and Religion – University of Cambridge, U.K.
Special guests
© 2015. Ibero-American Meeting of Science and Faith.
Website developed by Manuel D. Morales.